Saturday, July 28, 2012
My name tatted on my sister's arm
I love my older sis , Rashad . ( RAY-shad ) Ray got my first name tatted on her & asked what i wanted beside or under it to symbolize me... I said " a bow! " i LOVE bows. 😁🎀💉
Thursday, July 26, 2012
If nothing else is on, WATCH MARTIN.
I love this show so much , " Martin " will never get old. Mark my words!
This show is classic & Will always keep me laughing no matter how many times I've watched it.
Also, If you never noticed..Isn't it weird how Trudy & Oscar from "Proud Family" favor Martin & Gina? I think the cartoon was based from this sitcom.
Lauryn Hill Fan - Behind the music
Lauryn Hill's music is incomparable to what is being played on the radio today.
Regardless of what Lauryn Hill is going through ( her personal business ) , I still love her & her music .. It got me through tough times believe it or not. Good music isn't easy to make.. It takes someone like her to create it.
I'm sure everyone has heard about the tax issues she's dealing with right? If not, a source from tumblr says: [It was reported yesterday that Ms. Lauryn Hill has been charged with three counts of misdemeanor failure to file taxes. These charges were incurred for the years of 2005-2007, during a time in which Ms. Hill had removed herself and her family from society, in order to keep them safe, healthy, and free from danger. In response to these charges, Ms. Hill has issued the following statement:]
" “For the past several years, I have remained what others would consider underground. I did this in order to build a community of people, like-minded in their desire for freedom and the right to pursue their goals and lives without being manipulated and controlled by a media protected military industrial complex with a completely different agenda. Having put the lives and needs of other people before my own for multiple years, and having made hundreds of millions of dollars for certain institutions, under complex and sometimes severe circumstances, I began to require growth and more equitable treatment, but was met with resistance. I entered into my craft full of optimism (which I still possess), but immediately saw the suppressive force with which the system attempts to maintain it’s control over a given paradigm. I’ve seen people promote addiction, use sabotage, black listing, media bullying and any other coercion technique they could, to prevent artists from knowing their true value, or exercising their full power. These devices of control, no matter how well intentioned (or not), can have a devastating outcome on the lives of people, especially creative types who must grow and exist within a certain environment and according to a certain pace, in order to live and create optimally.
I kept my life relatively simple, even after huge successes, but it became increasingly obvious that certain indulgences and privileges were expected to come at the expense of my free soul, free mind, and therefore my health and integrity. So I left a more mainstream and public life, in order to wean both myself, and my family, away from a lifestyle that required distortion and compromise as a means for maintaining it. During this critical healing time, there were very few people accessible to me who had not already been seduced or affected by this machine, and therefore who could be trusted to not try and influence or coerce me back into a dynamic of compromise. Individual growth was expected to take place unnaturally, or stagnated outright, subject to marketing and politics. Addressing critical issues like pop culture cannibalism or its manipulation of the young at the expense of everything, was frowned upon and discouraged by limiting funding, or denying it outright. When one has a prolific creative output like I did/do, and is then forced to stop, the effects can be dangerous both emotionally and psychologically, both for the artist and those in need of that resource. It was critically important that I find a suitable pathway within which to exist, without being distorted or economically strong-armed.
During this period of crisis, much was said about me, both slanted and inaccurate, by those who had become dependent on my creative force, yet unwilling to fully acknowledge the importance of my contribution, nor compensate me equitably for it. This was done in an effort to smear my public image, in order to directly affect my ability to earn independently of this system. It took a long time to locate and nurture a community of people strong enough to resist the incredibly unhealthy tide, and more importantly see through it. If I had not been able to make contact with, and establish this community, my life, safety and freedom, would have been directly affected as well as the lives, safety and freedom of my family. Failure to create a non toxic, non exploitative environment was not an option.
As my potential to work, and therefore earn freely, was being threatened, I did whatever needed to be done in order to insulate my family from the climate of hostility, false entitlement, manipulation, racial prejudice, sexism and ageism that I was surrounded by. This was absolutely critical while trying to find and establish a new and very necessary community of healthy people, and also heal and detoxify myself and my family while raising my young children.
There were no exotic trips, no fleet of cars, just an all out war for safety, integrity, wholeness and health, without mistreatment denial, and/or exploitation. In order to liberate myself from those who found it ok to oppose my wholeness, free speech and integral growth by inflicting different forms of punitive action against it, I used my resources to sustain our safety and survival until I was able to restore my ability to earn outside of it!
When artists experience danger and crisis under the effects of this kind of insidious manipulation, everyone easily accepts that there was something either dysfunctional or defective with the artist, rather than look at, and fully examine, the system and its means and policies of exploiting/’doing business’. Not only is this unrealistic, it is very dark in its motivation, conveniently targeting the object of their hero worship by removing any evidence that they ‘needed’ or celebrated this very same resource just years, months or moments before. Since those who believe they need a hero/celebrity outnumber the actual heroes/celebrities, people feel safe and comfortably justified in numbers, committing egregious crimes in the name of the greater social ego. Ironically diminishing their own true hero-celebrity nature in the process.
It was this schism and the hypocrisy, violence and social cannibalism it enabled, that I wanted and needed to be freed from, not from art or music, but the suppression/repression and reduction of that art and music to a bottom line alone, without regard for anything else. Over-commercialization and its resulting restrictions and limitations can be very damaging and distorting to the inherent nature of the individual. I Love making art, I Love making music, these are as natural and necessary for me almost as breathing or talking. To be denied the right to pursue it according to my ability, as well as be properly acknowledged and compensated for it, in an attempt to control, is manipulation directed at my most basic rights! These forms of expression, along with others, effectively comprise my free speech! Defending, preserving, and protecting these rights are critically important, especially in a paradigm where veiled racism, sexism, ageism, nepotism, and deliberate economic control are still blatant realities!!!
Learning from the past, insulating friends and family from the influence of external manipulation and corruption, is far more important to me than being misunderstood for a season! I did not deliberately abandon my fans, nor did I deliberately abandon any responsibilities, but I did however put my safety, health and freedom and the freedom, safety and health of my family first over all other material concerns! I also embraced my right to resist a system intentionally opposing my right to whole and integral survival.
I conveyed all of this when questioned as to why I did not file taxes during this time period. Obviously, the danger I faced was not accepted as reasonable grounds for deferring my tax payments, as authorities, who despite being told all of this, still chose to pursue action against me, as opposed to finding an alternative solution.
My intention has always been to get this situation rectified. When I was working consistently without being affected by the interferences mentioned above, I filed and paid my taxes. This only stopped when it was necessary to withdraw from society, in order to guarantee the safety and well-being of myself and my family.
As this, and other areas of issue are resolved and set straight, I am able to get back to doing what I should be doing, the way it should be done. This is part of that process. To those supporters who were told that I abandoned them, that is untrue. I abandoned greed, corruption, and compromise, never you, and never the artistic gifts and abilities that sustained me.”
My favorite Lauryn Hill album:
Monday, June 4, 2012
Anti - Females
Anti - Females
Basically , I hate females..
Hate is a strong word so let's just say , I dislike.. VERY much.
Why can't females be cool like most males? All females create is drama , drama , drama . It's irritaing as you get older & begin to mature , some things just get old like FEMALE DRAMA.
The sad part about the reasons for female mis-communications is that it's for the most ridiculous reasons.. It could be over a boy , the way a another female acts or looks.
If everybody worried about themselves only , the world would be a better place.
Females provoke & irritate me.. They like to test you & see how far they can push you then when It comes down to it..It's just ALL talk . -__- Females are just great at being sneaky and manipulative and they know how to get under your skin..Trust me , I WOULD know.
Females do too much for attention.
Females talk too much.
Females are nosey .
Females are always trying to add their opinion on ANY & EVERYTHING.
No female wants to see another female happier than them,
* This doesn't apply for ALL females , just the ones I frankly dislike.
If I was the only female on the earth , I would be OKAY with that..besides the thirsty guys trying to get at me.
( To be continued.. )
Monday, March 5, 2012
Weezy gives his girlfriend , Dhea a 12k DIAMOND ring.
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Weezy & his girlfriend sitting Courtside at the Lakers vs. Heat game. |
Apparently , Lil Wayne popped the question , He proposed by putting the ring into a dessert at a nice restaurant. He also tweeted " She said Yes! " From what I heard , the ring is worth about one million dollars.
Close up of the ring .
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Who is Dhea? I have no clue.. I just know She's |
Saturday, March 3, 2012
Mixed Signals
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Mixed Signals |
People who send mixed signals irritate me SO much like.. Why? It's stupid. Be straight forward. I feel like males do it more than females and 9 times out of 10 , If a female is sending mixed signals.. Its because a male started it first. <--- My OPINION. Dating is full of of uncertainty but that's what makes it interesting.. Waiting to see who will make the first move or what not. Males tend to put a lot of things through text or just WORDS period. " Actions speak louder than words. " Saying " I love you " doesn't mean ANYTHING until you show it. Females on the other hand tend to play ' hard to get ' a lot because males love a challenge & nothing easy lasts too long. Like Tupac said , " I don't mean to sound sleazy but tease me.. I don't want it If its that EASY. " Sometimes that's where a lot of boys go wrong though cause they give up and settle for less. * SHRUGS * .. I know about a few mixed signals that even I have experienced.
Most Common Mixed Signals
- She says she wants to be just FRIENDS & then kisses you.
This means she wants to take it at her own pace. Either the guy is doing too much at the moment or the girl just likes to be in control. Males usually push for things physically & Females use " Just friends " to slow things down until she is sure she's interested in a relationship. The kiss is just letting her test the waters.
- He asks for your number but never calls.
Some males just like to keep their options open so they give their number out every now and then. Don't feel bad about it because as time passed ..He probably realized you weren't quite his type , Felt too insecure to call or maybe even ran into his ex and decided to give it another shot with her.
- She asks questions she doesn't want answered.
Deep down , she thinks the worst when she ask these questions and is afraid of what the answer may be.
Questions like .. " Do you think she's prettier than me? " .. " Are you still involved with your ex? " .. She's not asking these questions to make you mad , She's VERY curious and It's been on her mind. Most times when a girl asks is another girl prettier , She already knows the answer . DUH.
- He flirts with other girls in your face
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
The Death Of a Diva
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Whitney Elizabeth Houston 1963-2012 |
As we all know , our beloved , Whitney Houston has passed away on February 11 , 2012.
Although , God makes no mistakes .. I think the world agrees when I say she was gone too soon.
The Queen of Pop was only 48 when she was found dead! I don't want to go into too much detail of How , Where , and Why this has happened but It did. Whitney had struggled throughout her lifetime with drugs and a failed marriage in the public eye but this is not what we should remember her for. She should be remembered for her many accomplishments including how she paved the way for a lot of our black female artist such as : Beyonce , Alicia Keys , Brandy , Jordin Sparks and so on. She was a human being and deserves to be respected as so .
I feel like regardless of her troubled past , She taught the world a lot about love. She would give to us , the things she couldn't give herself. Society likes to look at the bad and ignore the good because that's just how it goes but It's not right. The media likes to portray her as some drug - addict who died from her own demise .. This is not the case. She wanted to make a comeback just to please her fans when she had her own problems at hand . The mind of a kind-hearted soul puts others first , That was Whitney Houston. They're not many artists you can say that actually make you feel emotion in their music , Whitney had pure talent & will forever be remembered not only for her huge heart but for her voice . Whitney Elizabeth Houston is " The Voice " .( * This is the song I sing in the shower & pretend to be this musical legend )
Bad Girls Club , Season 8 -- My take on it SO FAR.
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The Original BGC Season 8 |
BGC8 has been a very interesting season so far . My favorites in the house right now are Gia , Erica , and Elease. The twins are cool but they are going way too far with picking with the new girl because it really gets old when she does nothing but make you look stupid in the end. I agree with Gia & Erica when they feel like It's time to learn a little more about Elease rather than treat her like shit without even knowing who she is. That also makes them look fake in a way though because at first they were all in full-agreement of getting the ' new girl ' out of the house. I respect the twins in a way ONLY because they stuck to their word , It shows they do mean what they say. Demitra .. hmmm.. She has the same name as me lol except my name is spelled , Demetra. Anyways, she is a bitch but she does speak the truth. I don't understand how she let AMY beat her ass & basically , She's a follower .She's a bitch. Amy has calmed down a lot .. I miss the crazy Amy . Elease seems cool though , nothing to hate about her just yet . She's smart even though she has dumb moments , She is very strong for being able to stay in a house when it was 6 against 1 . Kudos to Elease! Last but not least , Gia.. my FAVORITE. I thought it was hilarious when she pushed Elease into the pool .. That will go down in bad girl history. She's down for whatever , #TeamGia.
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Replacement - Elease |
Rihanna & Chris Brown Reunite?
They recently collaborated on a song called , ' Birthday Cake Remix ' . It's been three years since the duo communicated . At one point , I thought they couldn't even be in the same room together but all is well now.. obviously. In the remake of the song , Rihanna asks Chris Brown " Remember how we did it? " proposing a different kind of reunion by suggesting " If you still want to kiss it , come come come and get it!" Fan Reaction about the new song is all over Twitter. There are some fans who can't let go of the 2009 incident & then some who will just accept music and enjoy music for what it is. Me , personally? I'm way over it .. I was never on it. The bruises were bad but I'm #TeamBreezy , I know he didn't mean any harm or If so , I'm sure he was provoked.. whatever.
Here is the link to ' Birthday Cake Remix '
Here is a picture of Chris Brown supporting not only his own album but Rihanna's too!
Sunday, February 19, 2012
Adele , Skinny isn't the only "pretty."
At 2012's Grammy Awards , Adele won 6 awards for each one she was nominated for. * claps to that * Even though I'm not a " big girl " , I like Adele because she's confident about her size and It sets an example for other girls bigger than average. She says's that " Skinny isn't the only pretty . " I agree . In a article , Adele said " I love food and hate exercise. I don't have time to workout ...I don't want to be on the cover of Playboy or Vogue. I want to be on the cover of Rolling Stone or Q. I'm not a trend-setter , I'm a singer... I'd rather weigh a ton and make an amazing album than look like Nicole Richie and do a shit album . My aim in life is never to be skinny. "
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Adele's - Ex |
From what I understand , Adele wrote most of her songs due to a failed relationship with her ex , Slinky Winfield.. Some unknown guy. Whoever he is .. He must feel like complete shit. Excuse my language but he gave her all the inspiration she needed to make this album a success.
Chris Brown is doing BETTER.
Chris Brown's new girlfriend looks better than Rihanna.
After being trashed by the media and losing the unfaithful fans , He is still doing better. This is what he said in a tweet after the Grammy's : "TeamBreezy, the Grammy I received was for those of you who supported my music and the hard work and growth in my life. I thank you! Love U! "
He is still receiving support from his TRUE fans like myself so all of the haters can just sit back & look at him NOW! :)
After being trashed by the media and losing the unfaithful fans , He is still doing better. This is what he said in a tweet after the Grammy's : "TeamBreezy, the Grammy I received was for those of you who supported my music and the hard work and growth in my life. I thank you! Love U! "
He is still receiving support from his TRUE fans like myself so all of the haters can just sit back & look at him NOW! :)
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