Monday, June 4, 2012

Anti - Females

Anti - Females 

Basically , I hate females..
Hate is a strong word so let's just say , I dislike.. VERY much.
Why can't females be cool like most males? All females create is drama , drama , drama . It's irritaing as you get older & begin to mature  , some things just get old like FEMALE DRAMA.

The sad part about the reasons for female mis-communications is that it's for the most ridiculous reasons.. It could be over a boy , the way a another female acts or looks.
If everybody worried about themselves only , the world would be a better place.
Females provoke & irritate me.. They like to test you & see how far they can push you then when It comes down to it..It's just ALL talk . -__- Females are just great at being sneaky and manipulative and they know how to get under your skin..Trust me , I WOULD know.

Females do too much for attention.
Females talk too much.
Females are nosey .
Females are always trying to add their opinion on ANY & EVERYTHING.
No female wants to see another female happier than them,

* This doesn't apply for ALL females , just the ones I frankly dislike. 

If I was the only female on the earth , I would be OKAY with that..besides the thirsty guys trying to get at me.

( To be continued.. )

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